About us

Excellence in metalworking

About us

Skilled hands to shape the design idea

Ibierre provides its technical expertise and established experience in metalworking to bring to life italian furniture products of absolute quality.

Services include a detailed commercial offer, an executive survey and a thorough design phase. The project takes shape on the shop floor, where the dialogue between manual experience and technology makes it possible to meet every need. Here the various processes, carried out with the utmost care and precision, can result in semi-finished products as well as finished products ready for marketing.


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The company's mission is focused on high quality, continuous growth, and an unwavering commitment to strict adherence to delivery schedules. Ibierre strives to maintain the highest quality standards without compromising on-time delivery, thus demonstrating an ongoing commitment to meeting customer expectations.


Great flexibility

Ibierre is proud to offer an unparalleled level of flexibility, capable of providing top-notch answers to the most demanding customers. The great production elasticity, ranging from prototype to large series, is made possible by the integration of typical Made in Italy craftsmanship with state-of-the-art machinery and technical solutions. Every request receives the utmost attention and dedication.

The Ibierre team is ready to face any challenge and turn ideas into reality.

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Social and environmental sustainability

Ibierre firmly believes that commitment to sustainability should embrace both the cultural and social spheres, helping to build a stronger and more supportive community.

The effort is therefore directed in supporting the community through various initiatives, with donations and sponsorships, such as the piano competition dedicated to young talents held in Cantù, in collaboration with the association "Nuova Scuola di Musica." Some local sports clubs, including ADS ESO Castello, Briantea 84 ADS and MTB Triangolo, also find support, contributing to their development and success.

The sense of social responsibility for Ibierre also extends with support for the Cantù soup kitchen and Mother Teresa's Missionary Sisters of Charity, appreciating their daily commitment to leave a tangible sign of love and dedication to those most in need.

On the environmental front, Ibierre mobilized with the installation of a 140-kilowatt photovoltaic system and LED indoor lighting system.
